Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Best Articles of Club Penguin Times Issue #446

I have decided to change things a little when posting the newspaper or any other catalog to make it more interesting. I shall pick the top 3-5 that most interest me, and post them right here, so I could see what interests you, and have sort of a conversation about this kind of topic. 

So starting of with number one, the main topic, is about Gary making a big discovery. In his experimentation with the Time Trekker, he got the chance to see the future. From the observations he made, we can tell that their technology is very advanced, as their is a Gary 3000, and it is actually him from the future.

  Here is the full article. It gets very interesting towards the end.

The second best for this week's issue is the Secrets. Gives you a good strategy in getting the most Extreme Stamps like in Smoothie Smash, Cart Surfing, and more.

And the Third best article is not really an article, its actually a comic. Found it pretty hilarious since its practically impossible for anything to make the Iceberg tip, and as for myself, I don't the rumor to come true. It would be best to keep the rumor as a rumor.

Very cool stuff coming up in the next few weeks. Some important updates that are coming up and that you need to know is.

Upcoming Updates:

  • May 15 - Gary is building a big invention at the Snow Forts
  • May 15 - Furniture and Igloo Catalog - Explore the Stars

What do you think about the top three articles for this week's Club Penguin Times? Make sure to leave a comment below.

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